Director General of the Federation of Austrian Industries
Curriculum vitae
Born on 6 September 1966, in Vienna, Austria Married, two daughters
Christoph Neumayer
Foto: IV/Michalski
2010: Austrian National Defence Academy (LVAK) Strategic Leadership Course on behalf of the Federal Government
1987 - 1996: University of Vienna MA with honors in History and Communication Science
2017: Postgraduate Diploma in Management (General Management), European School of Management and Technology (ESMT) Berlin
Professional career
from 04/2011: Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) Director General
09/2001 - 04/2011: Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) Director of Marketing & Communications
05/1999 - 09/2001: Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) Manager of IV Newsroom
1998/1999: Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) Managing Director of Young Industry/Group 1031 (Austrian Think Tank)
1997/1998: Federation of Austrian Industries (IV) Editor-in-chief of “Industry News Service” and press officer
1992 - 1997: Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) Permanent freelancer in the editorial department for ethnic minorities Editor and duty editor (focus: Austria and EU)
1991/1992: Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) Press spokesman of the Vienna branch
Other activities
Since 2012: Member of the Board of Ludwig Boltzmann Gesellschaft (LBG conducts leading-edge research in life sciences as well as social sciences.)
Since 2011: Member of the BUSINESSEUROPE Executive Committee (confederation of 40 national business federations)
2002 - 04/2011: Vice-President of the Association for Integrated Communication (ViKOM)
2002 - 07/2011: Lecturer at the Institute for Media Studies (University of Salzburg) and the Institute for Media Studies and Communication Science (University of Vienna)
2009: Member of the Austrian Armed Forces 2010 Evaluation Board of Advisors
Author and publisher of a variety of historical and political books as well as articles in scientific magazines