Born on June 7, 1969 in Bad Aussee, Styria, Austria
IV-Vize-Generalsekretär Ing. Mag. Peter Koren
Foto: Alexander Müller/IV
1988 - 1995: Law degree from the University of Graz, Austria, (Mag. Jur.)
1983 - 1985: Agricultural college, Engineer
Since 2004: Deputy Director General of the Federation of Austrian Industries and Director Climate, Infrastructure, Transport, Resources & Energy (KITRE)
2001 - 2003: Assistant to the Management Board of Verbund AG, Austria's largest electricity energy producer and supplier, listed stock company
1997 - 2000: Member of the Cabinet of the Austrian Minister of Agriculture and Environment
1996 - 1997: Trainee at the Federation of Austrian Industries, sent to Austrian Raiffeisen Association and Confederation of British Industry (CBI), London
1995 - 1996: Trainee at the Agriculture Directorate-General of the European Commission (Agricultural Law Department), Brussels
1988 - 1995: Farmworker and ski instructor in Styria in order to finance my law studies
Other Functions
Since 2015: Member of the strategic advisory board at Pendl & Piswanger, a human resources consultancy & headhunter
Since 2013: Deputy Chairman of the supervisory board of the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT), Austria´s largest non-university research institute (1100 employees), shareholders: Republic of Austria and IV
Since 2013: Chairman of the Austrian Association for the Promotion of Research and Innovation
Since 2009: Member of the supervisory board of the Verbund-Austrian Power Grid AG, since 2014 Deputy Head, stock company (450 employees)
Since 2009: Member of the advisory board for matters of security at the Ministry of the Interior
Since 2006: Member of the energy steering committee at the Austrian Ministry of Economics
Other Activities
2015: Executive Certificate in Strategy and Innovation, MIT (Boston, USA)
2014: Strategic leadership programme of the Austrian Ministry of Defence
2012: Governance Excellence, a programme for supervisory-board members of the Vienna University of Economics and Business
2006 - 2014: Member of the Foundation Council of the Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF)
2011 - 2013: Vice President of Eco Austria, an institute for economic research
2011 - 2013: Member of the board of Hilfswerk Austria International, an organisation for development cooperation and humanitarian aid
1990 - 1995: Local council member in Bad Mitterndorf, Styria, promoting tourism